Peterson Creek Fish Passage Culvert Improvements
Client: City and Borough of Sitka
PTS Services:
Project Management
Construction Management
Construction Inspection
The project replaced a failing 48-in CMP culvert with a 15-ft wide aluminum arch culvert. Installation included substrate in the culvert that mimics the natural stream bed and restores fish passage and natural channel function. With the new fish passage culvert in place, one fish passage barrier has been rectified improving habitat connectivity for coho and pink salmon, and dolly varden. PTS coordinated with funding agencies, ADF&G and the US Fish and Wildlife Service to coordinate improvements in the field and ensure critical habitat was preserved for the local migratory fish and wildlife. PTS oversaw all construction activities, including providing significant on-site inspection. Construction was constrained by a stringent in-water work window to avoid salmon migration, as well as Sitka school schedule since Peterson Street is a primary bus route. The project was completed on schedule and under budget.